Friday 9 March 2012

Paid Search and Organic SEO

There are several forms of marketing which can be invested in and tracked for success rates. Some methods are better than others due to timescales and budgets. SEO and Paid Search (PPC) work differently with the same goal of getting onto the first page of Google's search resuilts to promote a business.

If a business has a website it needs to gain online presence for keywords that are relevant to that business and this is achieved with getting first page results on the search engines like Google.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) strategies can sometimes take time to get onto the first page as SEO is not an instant, quick win form of marketing and this is where PPC can work in the short and long term. Paid Search works on the basis of bidding for keywords and then appearing in the rankings under the sponsored results. This applies if a company has adopted a local or national approach to PPC or SEO Coventry.

Search engines like Bing and Google operate their own bidding systems and this regulates and controls what you pay for those keywords. There is more to the process than simply setting up a PPC campaign and throwing as much money as possible to the campaign as this can often be a costly exercise with a poor return.

This is why PPC management or SEO Coventry really can be productive and cost effective for a business.

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